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Matt Carter • 5 October 2023

Thoughtful Thursday

Quotes of the day

'Never doubt that a small group of
thoughtful, committed citizens can
change the world; indeed, it's the
only thing that ever has.'
Margaret Mead

'This is the power of gathering: it
inspires us, delightfully, to be more
hopeful, more joyful, more thoughtful:
in a word, more alive.'
Alice Waters

Two wonderful quotes for a Thursday
inspiration. It is a great thing to have
in your workplace - when you have a
good team of employees that are
willing to drive a project, or strive to
meet a deadline through their own
committed selve:; that are willing to
go that extra mile to better them -
selves to change; and improve the
work-output in their workplace.

And the way to do this is to have a
dedicated; happy; thoughtful team
of employees that are overwhelmingly
joyful and full of positivity, that will
bring the workplace alive.

Thoughts for the team leaders
and managers in the workplace.

Gather the team together once a week or
if you can afford the time every day for a
team get-together.

Building good working relationships is the
key to having a successful and committed
and a happy team; working towards building

As the above quote says: it is the power of
gathering, that you the employer can use
to talk to your team; to encourage the team
to discuss their social life; family life and
future plans for the business/company.

Until next week

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with friends and on social media.

Team Wellness Solutions

Offer team building workshops which are
brought to your place of work which can
be taylor-made to suit the company; and
which cut out the logistical nightmare of
taking your team to an external location.

The workshops are fun and comprise
of many fun games that are designed
to build on and improve working

For more information, please click onto
the website link below


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