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Matt Carter • 29 September 2023

Feelgood Friday

Quotes of the Day

'Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a 
mystery, but today is a gift, that is why
it's called, The Present.'
Bill Keane

'Sometimes, there is no harm in
putting off a piece of work until
another day'.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
(The Little Prince)

Two wonderful quotes and both will
make you ponder your day ahead.

Whatever happened yesterday may have 
been good or bad; let go of the bad and 
prolong the good. 
Forward plan your day to ensure that
you can finish your day on time; never
leave yourself in a stress before the

So much can be done in one day and 
so much can be achieved; but just
remember that you can and should,
put off a piece of work until the 
following week if it could cause you
to run over your finish time and cause
you stress.

Thoughts for the Team Leaders and
Managers among you.

It is important to ensure that your team
leaves on time and in good spirits.
Keep in constant touch with your team
because after all, it is a gift to you the 
employer, that they are in work, so get
them away on time.

Until next week.

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Team Wellness Solutions

Brings team building to your place of
work; as opposed to you, the employer
taking your team to an external team
building event; which can be costly
and a logistical nightmare.

TWS bring the team building workshops
to your place of work: these workshops
are designed to build on and develop
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to better improve the teams overall
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Click on the website link below for more


'Sometimes, there is no harm in
putting off a piece of work until another day.'

Antoine de Saint-Exupery(The Little Prince

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