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Matt Carter • 21 September 2023

Thoughtful Thursday

Quotes of the day

"Always be a little kinder than necessary. "
James M. Barrie

"Never doubt that a small group of
thoughful, committed citizens can
change the world. Indeed, it is the
only thing that ever has."
Margaret Mead

6 ways to be more thoughtful in the

Take time to listen to your colleagues.
Whether work related, or socially.

Give compliments with meaning.

Buy flowers for birthdays, or offer
to take a colleague out for a drink.

Remember birthdays and work
related dates of importance. 

Compliment colleagues on their

Make an effort to build relationships 
to better improve work ethic.

As the above quotes speak: 

There is nothing wrong with being 
a little kinder than normal; family 
and work colleagues will notice
this and it will greatly improve 

And if everyone became a little more 
thoughtful and committed; what a 
change of direction your company 
could make, to better improve its 
working relationships and to improve 
its work ethic.

Thoughts for the team leaders and management. 

Get your employees in their teams
to list their birthdays and any special 
occasions, or work related milestones
that can be celebrated.

Compliment your team on targets
that have been reached or greatly
improved on.

Give recognition when deserved for the

And gather the teams together, whether 
in work or socially to express your
companies recognition for their
efforts and hard work.

Little things like this could have a huge
impact on moral, and could greatly
improve working and social relationships.

Until next week. 

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on social media. 

Team Wellness Solutions 

Offer team building workshops which
challenge your teams to engage with
each other, with the sole intention 
to build on and improve the working 
and social relationships of your team,
by interacting with each other in fun
team and individual games.

For more information please visit the 
website link below.


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