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Matt Carter • 13 September 2023

Wellbeing Wednesday

Quotes of the day

"Take care if your body, it's the only place you have to live "
Jim Rohn

"Physical fitness is not only one of 
the most important keys to a
healthy body, it is the basis if the
dynamic and creative intellectual
John F. Kennedy

Two fantastic quotes from two
brilliant men.

As Jim puts it, it's the only 
place you have to live; which really 
should make us all look at ourselves 
in a mirror, and say, right! I need to do
something about my house, (body.)

Now, not everyone is overweight, or
unfit, but should we all take reasonable 
steps to ensure that we look after our
bodies, because, as JFK states above;
It's the basis of the dynamic and
creative intellectual activity.

Thoughts for the directors and team leaders:


All employees to exercise.
To walk or cycle to work.
Walking on lunchbreaks.
To ensure employees take their
lunch breaks. 
Walking meetings. 
Out of work social activities, get-to-
gethers, fitness classes. 
New team colleagues to join.

And encourage the senior management 
to join in.

And, as JFK alludes to as well, having
a healthier body - will lead to a 
healthier mind, and I can only
assume from that, that over a 
period of time, it will lead to a
healthier workplace. 

Until next week

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Team Wellness Solutions 

Offer a fun alternative to the 
traditional team building day out.

These workshops are designed to
build on and develop your teams 
working relationships and develop
a greater team moral and team
spirit, which over time will better
the workplace and the overall well
-being of your employees. 

Please click onto the website link
below for information.


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