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Matthew Carter • 9 October 2023

Motivational Monday

Quotes of the day

'Success is not final;
Failure is not fatal;
It is the courage to continue
that counts.'
Winston S. Churchill

'It is often the small steps,
not the giant leaps, that
bring about the most lasting
HRM Queen Elizabeth II

Two great quotes by two outstanding

It is great in your work-life to have
success: it is great for moral, it is
great for your team and your
employer will be impressed.

Courage is a great tool to have
to allow you to self-motivate your-
self - to be healthy, self-determined,
proactive and to dedicate 100% to
your job role.

And as Her Majesty the Queen says,
it is those little steps by yourself and
your team and your employer do that
will spur you on to give your best, and
perform at your best: this will motivate
your team more to follow in your
foot-steps and this will only please
your employer.

Thoughts for the Team leader and
the managers within your team.

Encourage your team every Monday
morning with a team get-together.
Ask the team how their weekends
went; and what they got up to.
Speak and encourage them about
what needs to be done and any
targets that would be great to hit.

And just remember to encourage
your team to do better; but remember
in little steps.

Until next week

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Team Wellness Solutions

Offer fun team building workshops
that are brought to your place of
work which will cut out any logistical
nightmares that you may encounter.
The workshops are designed to build
on and improve the working
relationships in your team through
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will challenge your employees to work
together better.

For more information please click
onto the website link below.


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