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Matt Carter • 17 October 2023

Team Building Tuesday

Quotes of the day

'No matter how brilliant your mind
or strategy, if you're playing a solo
game, you'll always lose out to a team.'
Reid Hoffman

'None of us, including me, ever do great
things. But we can all do small things, with
great love, and together we can do
something wonderful.'
Mother Teresa

Two wonderful quotes that I have known
for years, and both place huge emphasis on
the importance of everyone making their own
contribution to a collective effort to improve;
working relationships, team moral, team
spirit and to better the work output of your

Thoughts for the team leaders and
managers among you.

Get the team together in an even number,
in two groups.
Using post-it notes, each team member
will write down 5 things about themselves.
On five separate post-it notes; you can
have a separate colour post-it for each
topic if you wish.

Good topics are:

Place of birth
Star sign
Favourite hobby

Every team member in their group will
speak their five answers to the other
team and then place their post-its
down on a table in no order, but they
can be placed if so, in colour post-it

Then when all the team have done it,
each team then has to work together
to stick the post-its to team colleagues
in the opposite group until they have
it right.

Until next week

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Team Wellness Solutions

Offer fun team building workshops that are
brought to your place of work or to a venue
of your choosing.
The workshops bridge the gap between
Health and Wellbeing and Workplace
And will bring fun into the workplace
and make steps towards building
working relationships.

For more information please click
onto the website link below.


'No matter how brilliant your mind
or strategy, if you're playing a solo

game, you'll always lose out to a team.
'Reid Hoffman'

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