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Matt Carter • 13 November 2023

Motivational Monday

Quotes of the Day

'Out of the mountain of despair, a stone
of hope.'
Martin Luther King Jr.

If your having a bad morning, this could
due to many things: traffic, weather, the
kids and many other things; think
positively - remember this quote from a
great man and focus on your day ahead,
whether at work or on you day off, and try
to aim towards what you want to achieve,
finish or complete by the end of the day.

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal:
it is the courage to continue that counts."
Winston Churchill

You don't have to have success every day,
failing at a deadline or not getting done
what you set out to do, is, as the great man
says - is not fatal, but don't despair, have the
strength to continue and achieve what you
have set out to achieve.

Have a great Monday, wake up early;
prepare you day early, eat healthy,
do a little bit of exercise; and that will
start your day off with energy.

Until next week

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Team Wellness Solutions

Offer team building workshops which
will be brought to you at a place of your
choosing; these fun workshops bridge
the gap between workplace wellbeing
and health and wellbeing and aim to
improve the working relationships of
your team for improved moral and
team spirit.


"Success is not final, failure is not fatal:
it is the courage to continue that counts."
Winston Churchill

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