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Matt carter • 3 July 2023

Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday

"Success is not final; failure is not fatal:
It is the courage to continue that counts."
Winston S. Churchill

I always go by the rule of starting your
working week off with something that
will motivate you.

This could be, any form of exercise.
Your favorite breakfast meal.
Listening to a great podcast on the
way in to work.
Reading a few chapters of your current

These will all start your day off with a
great deal of motivation and that feel-
good factor to enable you to kick-start
your day off with energy, and hopefully
this can be passed on to other work

Not everybody has a job or career path
that they love, or enjoy enough, that they
can just turn up to work with enthusiasm
and self-generated boundless energy....
..... But some can.

But as Winston said in the quote, have
the courage to continue on with your
current job role - with the optimism that
you can succeed to find the motivation
to enjoy your job role or to progress your
career forwards.

"The pessimist sees difficulty in every
opportunity. The optimist sees the
opportunity in every difficulty."
Winston S.Churchill

Until next time

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Team Wellness Solutions offer a fun based
alternative to the traditional team building
day out.
The Team development wellness workshops
are brought to place of your choosing; this
will cut out any logistical nightmares in
The three stage wellness workshops are
designed to build on and develop the
working relationships of your team - to
better your teams moral and team spirit
with an overall aim to improve the work
output of your company/business.


"Success is not final; failure is not fatal:
It is the courage to continue that counts.
"Winston S. Churchill

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