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Matt Carter • 7 June 2023

Midweek Mindfulness

Quote of the day

'Mindfulness means being aware of how you're
deploying your attention and making decisions
about it, and not letting the tweet or the buzzing
of your blackberry call your attention.'
Howard Rheingold
American Writer

Mindfulness for increased attention

Having the ability to maintain full attention to
your job role or whatever activity you are
doing at all times can be increasingly hard
to do.

Increasing pressure from your work load to
complete a deadline, or the pressure felt
from being challenged in a sport that you are
participating in can decrease your attention
levels to some degree.

And, allowing your mind to drift off into day
dreaming and randomly thinking negative
thoughts will certainly distract you - interrupt
your working day,, and, your focus and attention.

Team Meditation

Meditation exercises for the team to do as
a whole

Team managers to get their team in a
circle, mid-morning or mid-afternoon
or both, and lead them in a one minute
guided breathing meditation.
All standing, or sitting all with closed eyes,
and on the instruction of the team leader
slow inhales and exhales on a chosen
topic, or object - anything to focus their

This is a great way to improve attention levels
for busy teams.
Building confidence within the team.
And to improve team bonding.

And ticks a box for improving Health and
Wellbeing in the workplace.

Until next week.

Please like and share this newsletter on
social media.

Team Wellness Solutions offer an
alternative to the traditional team
building day out.
The development workshops work to
develop the working relationships of
your team so they get to know each
other better on a work basis and on a
social level which will improve their team
moral, team spirit and overall work output.

Please click on the website link below to
see how Team Wellness Solutions can help
your business wellbeing.


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