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Matt Carter • 30 March 2023

Thoughtful Thursday

'Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.'

Willie Nelson

'Having or showing heed for the well-being or happiness of others and a propensity for anticipating their needs or wishes.' The Free Dictionary

This is one of the best definitions that I've come across over the years. The propensity for an employer or a business owner to put the well-being and the happiness of their employees

first - or, of a high priority to them or their business- then this can only benefit their company.

A negative working environment for whatever reason: staff not getting on with others, managers not getting their teams working as one, and many other reasons will lead to low moral, absenteeism and a low work output.

And as Willie Nelson's quote at the beginning says, these negative thoughts, or in this case, a negative working environment: once this is replaced over time with a positive working

environment - then, and only then will the business be running at its best; producing its best due to a positive working environment.

Thought for the team leader/manager

Get the team together socially, over lunch, dinner or go for a team walk.

This will encourage the team to talk and build healthy working relationships - which will, over time, transfer into the workplace. 

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