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Matt Carter • 21 May 2024

Thoughtful Thursday

Quotes of the day

'Never doubt that a small group of
thoughtful, committed citizens can
change the world; indeed, it's the only
thing that ever has.'
Margaret Mead

'Don't ever forget that a small group
of thoughtful people can change the
world, it's the only thing that ever has.'
Aaron Sorkin

Thoughts for the day ahead and for the
weeks to come in your places of work.

Two very similar worded and meaning
quotes but both allude to the same thing
that a committed group of people can
change the world: now, transfer that into
your working environment.

Every team of employees no matter what
size, can, with the helping hand of a lot
of encouragement, great leadership,
a willingness to come together as one, can
change their work environment for the better.

It only takes time, commitment, commitment
to learn about each others personal and
social activities; this will then kick start
the building up of working relationships
which over time will improve team moral,
team spirit and their overall wellbeing. 

Thoughts for the team leaders and
managers among you.

Set aside time for the team to bond: play 
games, encourage team lunches, and 
social get together's. 
This is the one step to build a team, but
If you do not have an L&D team or a Hr team,
team building is the way forwards, for a good
day out, or specific team day or a carefully
planned day of activities to build up the teams
working knowledge of each other to build moral.
So choose the right team event/company for
your team so that they will enjoy it. 

Until next week

Team Wellness Solutions 

Offer fun Taylor made workshops that are
brought to your place of work or a venue of 
your choice, designed to build on the
working relationships of your employees,
Improving team moral through many games
that get the team to interact in a fun but
competitive way to encourage and
develop stronger bonds and relationships.
With the overall aim to improve the work


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