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Matt Carter • 20 January 2025

Motivational Monday

Quotes of the day

'You have brains in your head. You have
feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself
any direction you choose. You're on your
own. And you know what you know. And you
are the guy who'll decide where to go.'
Dr Zeus

'Attitude is a little thing that makes a big
Winston Churchill

It does not take much to think of a new idea:
whether it is an idea for something creative
or for your to-do list or for work or for a new
entrepreneur career move; we all get them:
so with a little bit of attitude as the great man
states in the above quote that will start off the
process of belief in one's self .

But do not let that idea or event lapse, stick
with it, persevere with it and motivate yourself
to spend some time on it every day.

Self motivation is the key to everything in your
day-to-day work or home life. Without it, it can
be the cause of many things that trust me you
do not want temporarily or permanently.

So wake up with energy or do some exercise
or put on your favorite up beat music that will
lift your mood, and think Monday motivation.

Thoughts for the team leaders or managers
among you

Monday team time is a great way to get your
team motivated for the working week ahead.
Talk about the weekend, what they did and
what they didn't do, but most of all get the team
to brain storm some ideas for the week ahead:
get them thinking for you as a manager and that
will not only help you but allow them to be
creative for the company and themselves,
making them to feel more involved in your

Until next week

Team Wellness Solutions 

Will bring fun team building workshops
to your place of work or to a venue of your
choosing; these workshops will boost
your teams wellbeing with fun and
highly motivated games and activities that
will boost the teams moral and team

For more information click onto the website
link below.


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