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Matt Carter • 30 July 2024

Team Building Tuesday

'None of us, including me, ever do great things.
But we can all do small things, with great love,
and together we can do something wonderful.'
Mother Teresa

'I can do things you cannot, you can do things
I cannot; together we can do great things.'
Mother Teresa

The easiest way and cheapest way to build
up your team towards the ultimate
achievement of, Having great Teamwork; is
for your team to get to know each other better.

This you can do on your own or in a team
environment: little things, little and often
with great love of your colleagues and
the team will create over time a better
working environment.

Sharing the work load between you
and your team will also boost the
working relationships by team
collaboration: each giving their
input you will find that work gets
done quicker with care and great
thought for the product and a
happier boss.

Other than that the next best thing
to improve working relationships
and teamwork is Team Building.

Thoughts for the team leaders and
managers among you.

Get your teams together regularly.
Give them time to socialize.
Let them work together more often.
And encourage working lunches.

Until next week

Team Wellness Solutions

Will work with your team with a
variety of games and activities that
will get your team working together
as one in quick time, and in the
process will collectively have your
team motivated, full of team spirit
which will tick that all important
well-being box.


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