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Matt Carter • 9 May 2023

Feelgood Friday

Have you got that Friday feeling

Feelgood Friday quote of the day

'Friday is a day to finish your goals for the
week. It is a day to celebrate that which
you set out to accomplish at the
beginning of the week. Well done.'
Byron Pulsifer

Ensure that on every Friday, that is,
if it is your last day of the working
week; that you have started it happy
and with enthusiasm, and with the end
goal of this and every working week
to have achieved what you set out
to achieve.

This could be a specific goal; a company
set target; a personal target to achieve
or it could just be to give 100% all week
for personal reasons and your dedication
to your work/profession.

Thought for today and future

Just remember that it is beneficial for
your personal wellbeing that you focus
equally on everyday of the week and
not try to rush the working week on,
but to enjoy - through working hard;
and, on Friday evening being able to
release your build up of the neuro-
transmitter dopamine and take
that feeling on into the weekend.

Have a happy weekend

Until next week


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