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Matt Carter • 10 April 2023

Motivational Monday

'Easter is one of my favorite holidays with the kids. They get to run loose, and we

always have our family and loved ones all around us.'

Camila Alves

I hope you all had a great Easter weekend and fun times with the family and friends and hopefully

you made some time for you to reflect on the previous week at work, and what went well, and what

did not, and what you can take from it - to improve on it.

Finish off your Easter Monday with some down time to reflect and do something that you

want to do - to put the cherry on the cake - to finish your Easter off on a high; that is, if your back to work the next day.

A mindful moment

Think of and write down three things that you have enjoyed over this long Easter weekend.

Write down two things that have made your Easter a happy and joyous occasion.

And, finally write down one thing that you are looking forward to this week at work.

These brief notes are a quick alternative to journaling - for if you are not into that, or

have not got the time to spend sitting and reflecting and writing in a journal.

Tuesday morning motivation

At work start the day off with a team meeting: get the team together over breakfast

and get them to speak about their Easter's and this will start the day off with some good team bonding

 And, it will boost team moral.

Thanks for reading


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