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Matt Carter • 21 August 2023

Motivational Monday

Quotes of the Day

'Nature has given us all the pieces 
required to achieve exceptional wellness
and health, but has left it to us to put these
pieces together.'
Diane McLaren

'When you give joy to other people, you
get more joy in return. You should give
a good thought to happiness that you
can give out.'
Eleanor Roosevelt

2 thoughts of the day for all team managers,
Team leaders:

As the above quotes say: Two things that
can instantly boost motivation on a Monday 


Get the team together first thing on the
Monday morning and have a team get-to-
gether; either go for a walk; where you can 
talk about your weekend activities, what you
did; what was the most exciting thing you did,
experienced; or what you witnessed: or weather
depending; go for coffee.


Then whilst out and about take in the nature;
enjoy your surroundings; the trees the flowers,
the wildlife.
The outdoors can boost your wellbeing and over
time it can contribute to better health, physical
and mental wellness. 

Walking meetings are are great way to 
incorporate nature and wellness into the
workplace; working and walking should 
be a utilized by all managers, team leaders
and employers; boosting moral and
motivating the team for the day and week

Until next week

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Team Wellness Solutions

Offer team development workshops which
bridge the gap between work-place
wellbeing and health and wellbeing; the
workshops are great fun and work
towards building better working relationships
with the aim to improve team spiirt and moral.


'Nature has given us all the pieces required to achieve exceptional wellness and health, but has left it to us to put these pieces together.
'Diane McLaren

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